Dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet is a diet based on vegetables and fruit as a form of effective and non-invasive prevention and treatment. This diet is based on several stages, which should be implemented in order to achieve the best results. Moreover, Dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet is at the same time a way to implement healthy eating habits easily, which can be used by both women and men of all ages.

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Table of content

  1. Multistage
  2. What is this fasting about?
  3. Basic assumptions of the fruit and vegetable diet
  4. What to drink?
  5. What are the benefits of using Dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet?
  6. Who is Dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet aimed at?
  7. Who should avoid Dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet?


  • preparation - elimination of coffee, meat or food intolerance,
  • Enrichment of the diet with fruit and vegetables combined with physical activity - Fruit and vegetable fasting
  • Restoring health balance and mental-spiritual harmony,
  • full nutrition, physical activity,
  • practicing periodic posts on a permanent basis.

The diet is based on the assumption of starting endogenous digestion, which can be achieved by eliminating from the diet high-energy and building blocks, i.e. fats, protein and carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed. Fat tissue and damaged and mutated cells are burnt in the body first as they are the primary source of energy for our body. This process can last from a few days to several weeks, 10 to 40 days on average. The permitted daily caloric requirement is only 600 kcal.

dabrowska diet

It is crucial to introduce healthy eating habits on a permanent basis. It is recommended to switch to a balanced diet which is the complete opposite of hunger. In this solution, it is acceptable to eat both vegetables and fruit, as well as seeds, groats, nuts, wholemeal bread or dairy products. How long does it take to get out of the diet? It is recommended to keep this process at least the same amount of time as the hunger strike, preferably twice as long.

What is this fasting about?

We must be aware that vegetable and fruit fasting is not in itself a weight-loss diet. With a clear conscience one can say that it is in a way a cleansing and normalizing treatment. The task of fasting is mainly to reduce carbohydrates. In order to achieve permanent effects, it is best to introduce these dietary changes into your lifestyle on a permanent basis.

Dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet is based on the use of plant products which contain, among other things, enzymes, polyphenols, microelements, vitamins and others with therapeutic properties, trigger detoxification processes, eliminate toxic free radicals and have beneficial alkalising properties. It is safe to say that by expelling substances that have a negative impact on the body's functioning, it is also possible to reduce body weight.

Basic assumptions of the fruit and vegetable diet

For a period ranging from a few days to a few weeks, it is advisable to consume low-starch vegetables, which include vegetables:

  • root vegetables, such as carrots, beets, celery, parsley, radishes;
  • cabbages, such as various kinds of cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, sprouts;
  • Onions, such as onion, leek, garlic;
  • Cucurbits, such as pumpkin, squash, cucumbers;
  • Solanaceous, such as tomato, pepper;
  • Leafy, such as various types of lettuce, parsley, herbs.

It is permitted to consume in limited quantities such fruits as apples, grapefruits, lemons and berries. Juices based on green plant shoots deserve a special attention here as they are an excellent source of enzymes, which in turn have purifying, detoxifying, blood regenerating properties and speed up digestive processes. Moreover, one can also note such features as energy flow, source of vitamins and minerals. When we talk about green plant shoots, we mean parsley, celery, as well as botwina, dandelion, nettle, sorrel, spinach, or broccoli, cabbage, kale, lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, wheat grass. The best results can be achieved by eating raw vegetables in the form of salads or cocktails. It is allowed to prepare vegetable soups seasoned with herbs, stewed and baked vegetables.

Basic assumptions of the fruit and vegetable diet

What to drink?

During the treatment it is allowed to consume such drinks as: water, vegetable juice, fruit juice, fruit or herbal tea as well as compote without sugar and vegetable stock. Drinking coffee, strong tea or alcohol is strongly discouraged.

What are the benefits of using Dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet?

Dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet is not a diet that requires a lot of self-discipline so it is willingly chosen by both women and men. What is more, the diet is not onerous so it does not cause hands to tremble, one can forget about the feeling of sleepiness or hunger pangs. How is this possible? When we eat vegetables, we chew them for longer, the body gets a signal that we are not short of food. As a result, we do not feel hungry.

Who is Dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet aimed at?

The best results can be counted on, among others, people who:

  • often get sick as a result of bacteria, viruses and fungi,
  • are asthmatics and allergy sufferers,
  • have various types of food intolerance,
  • have muscle pains, migraine, hepatitis, dry eye syndrome or even acne,
  • suffer from hormonal disorders, e.g. menstrual disorders, thyroid problems, menopause,
  • have neurological conditions, such as memory disorders, agitation, neuroses, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, ischemic stroke and epilepsy,
  • suffer from obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, swelling, thrombosis or coronary heart disease.

Who should avoid Dr Ewa Dąbrowska's diet?

In certain situations it is not recommended to follow a diet. It may harm people:

  • With type 1 diabetes mellitus,
  • Those suffering from cancer, tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, heart, kidney, liver and respiratory failure, as well as avitaminosis,
  • Those suffering from anorexia, bulimia and also depression,
  • Pregnant women,
  • Those who take additional medicines.

It is also beneficial to introduce physical activity which helps eliminate toxins, reduce body weight, blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, etc. Let us take care of ourselves today.